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Manual page for MAKEDBM(8)

makedbm - make a yellow pages dbm file


makedbm [ -i yp_input_file ] [ -o yp_output_name ] [ -d yp_domain_name ] [ -m yp_master_name ] infile outfile
makedbm [ -u dbmfilename ]


makedbm takes infile and converts it to a pair of files in dbm.3x format, namely outfile.pag and outfile.dir. Each line of the input file is converted to a single dbm record. All characters up to the first tab or space form the key, and the rest of the line is the data. If a line ends with \, then the data for that record is continued on to the next line. It is left for the clients of the yellow pages to interpret #; makedbm does not itself treat it as a comment character. infile can be -, in which case standard input is read.

makedbm is meant to be used in generating dbm files for the yellow pages, and it generates a special entry with the key yp_last_modified, which is the date of infile (or the current time, if infile is -).


Create a special entry with the key yp_input_file.
Create a special entry with the key yp_output_name.
Create a special entry with the key yp_domain_name.
Create a special entry with the key yp_master_name. If no master host name is specified, yp_master_name will be set to the local host name.
Undo a dbm file. That is, print out a dbm file one entry per line, with a single space separating keys from values.


It is easy to write shell scripts to convert standard files such as /etc/passwd to the key value form used by makedbm. For example,

#!/bin/awk -f BEGIN { FS = ":"; OFS = "\t"; } { print $1, $0 }

takes the /etc/passwd file and converts it to a form that can be read by makedbm to make the yellow pages file passwd.byname. That is, the key is a username, and the value is the remaining line in the /etc/passwd file.


dbm(3X), yppasswd(1)

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