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Manual page for MALLOC(3)

malloc, free, realloc, calloc, cfree, valloc, vfree, malloc_size, malloc_good_size, malloc_error, malloc_debug, malloc_singlethreaded, mstats, alloca - memory allocator


#include <stdlib.h>

void *malloc(size_t byteSize)

void free(void *ptr)

void *realloc(void *oldptr, size_t newsize)

void *calloc(size_t numElems, size_t byteSize)

void cfree(void *ptr)

void *valloc(size_t byteSize)

void vfree(void *ptr)

size_t malloc_size(void *ptr)

size_t malloc_good_size(size_t byteSize)

void (*malloc_error(void (*func)(int)))(int)

int malloc_debug(int level)

void malloc_singlethreaded(void)

size_t mstats(void)

char *alloca(int size)


Malloc and free provide a general-purpose memory allocation package. Malloc returns a pointer to a block of at least size bytes beginning on a long boundary.

The argument to free is a pointer to a block previously allocated by malloc; this space is made available for further allocation.

Needless to say, grave disorder will result if the space assigned by malloc is overrun or if some random number is handed to free.

Malloc is based on an underlying zone based allocator. Malloc does a one time creation of a default zone, and then calls NXZoneMalloc() thereafter with this zone. For more information on the zone allocator search for NXZoneMalloc in the Librarian under NeXT Developer Documentation.

Realloc changes the size of the block pointed to by ptr to size bytes and returns a pointer to the (possibly moved) block. The contents will be unchanged up to the lesser of the new and old sizes.

Calloc allocates space for an array of nelem elements of size elsize. The space is initialized to zeros.

Cfree is equivalent to free.

Valloc allocates a page-aligned space of size byteSize.

Vfree is equivalent to free.

Malloc_size returns the size of the block pointed to by the argument.

Malloc_good_size is an obsolete call.

Malloc_error sets an internal pointer to a routine which is called whenever malloc runs out of virtual memory space or discovers an error. By default, the routine pointed to prints an error message on stderr, sets errno to ENOMEM and returns, causing malloc to return NULL.

The routine is called with an integer representing the type of error discovered: 0, 1, or 2 means an error was returned by vm_allocate, vm_deallocate, or vm_copy, respectively; 3 means an attempt to free or reallocate space that was already freed; 4 means that an internal verification of the memory heap failed; and 5 means an attempt to free or reallocate space that was never allocated.

The routine specified with malloc_error must return locally. Do not attempt to raise an exception or use longjump within the routine.

Malloc_singlethreaded tells malloc that a program is guaranteed to only have one thread, and no debugging options are needed. Malloc can then optimize calls to increase performance. Typical gain is 10-15%.

Malloc_debug sets an internal variable to control the amount of error checking performed by Malloc, and returns the old value. The variable can be set to any value from 0 to 16 The meaning of each bit is as follows: Level 0 (no bits set) does no checking and data must never be accessed after it is freed. Level 1 (the default), delays freeing of data until the next call to free or malloc which provides some compatibility with common, but incorrect, code which depends on the contents of freed data remaining undisturbed (see BUGS section below). Level 2 clears out or unmapps all data as it is freed, making it easier to catch usage of freed data spaces. Level 4 checks that data being freed hasn't already been freed. Level 8 checks internal data structures for consistency with each entry to malloc, free, or realloc. Level 16 checks the internal data structures for all sizes of data for consistency on exit from malloc, free, or realloc. Level 16 is a debugging tool for malloc itself. If internal inconsistencies are found, malloc will write a message to stderr and abort.

Mstats is an obsolete call.

Alloca allocates size bytes of space in the stack frame of the caller. This temporary space is automatically freed on return.

Each of the allocation routines returns a pointer to space suitably aligned (after possible pointer coercion) for storage of any type of object.


Malloc, realloc and calloc return a null pointer (0), and set errno to ENOMEM if there is no available memory.

The malloc routines call an error-handling function upon detection of an error. By default, the error-handler prints a general message describing the cause of the error to stderr, and then either aborts or attempts to continue, depending on the cause of the error. By supplying your own error-handling function, using the malloc_error function to set it, you can get additional information about the cause of the error by setting a debugger break-point in your error-handling function, and using the debugger's "where" or "up" and "down" commands to uncover the location in your program where the error occurred. Using the "print" command, you should be able to print the expressions that were passed as arguments to the malloc or free functions. The malloc_debug function can be very useful in tracking down the cause of the problem by turning on additional checking of the malloc operations, so that errors are reported closer to the actual cause of the problem.

Debugging levels 8 and 16 are implemented by calling NXMallocCheck() and checking for a non-zero return. Memory smashes can be isolated, by calling NXMallocCheck() periodically from the debugger or from a program.


Malloc should guarantee nothing about the state of a block once it has been passed to free. However, some other versions of malloc will guarantee than a block that have been freed is left unchanged until a subsequent call to free, realloc, or malloc. If this package is use with malloc_debug's level 1 set (the default), after a call to free, the contents are left undisturbed (and unfreed) until the next call to free, realloc, or malloc.

Level 8 and 16 checking can get very slow.

Alloca and valloc are machine dependent; their use is discouraged.

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