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Manual page for SNMP(1C)

snmp - a client for communicating with SNMP servers (agents)


snmp [-d] [-n] [-a agent] [-c community] [-r retries] [-t timeout] [command] server [vars...]


The snmp program is a tool for sending queries to servers (agents) implementing the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). An SNMP agent supports a management information base (MIB) consisting of a set of variables layed out in a tree. The variables and their types are defined using ASN.1, and are listed in /etc/snmp.mib.

Using snmp, one can inquire about the status of a remote system and obtain information about its current state. The two most basic commands are get and getnext, which will return the value of a list of variables. There are also a number of status commands that will issue a sequence of get queries and present the returned information in a more readable form.

The SNMP variables can be specified both in symbolic form as well as numeric. Unless prefixed with a dot, they are all presumed to start at the iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib ( level.


Debug mode.
-a agent
Sets the server to be queried to the specified name. There is no default server.
-c community
Sets the community to use in all queries to the specified string. The default community is ``public''.
-r retries
Sets the number of retries that should be attempted for each query. The default number of retries is implementation specific.
-t timeout
Sets the timeout for each retry to the specified number of seconds. The default timeout is implementation specific.


get variable [...]
Inquire the value of the given variable from the server. Variables may be listed both in symbolic as well as numeric form. The reply is presented in two columns, with the variable first followed by a tab and its value.
getnext variable [...]
Same as the get command above, except that the variable names returned will be those of the argument variable. This can be used to traverse a certain subtree of the management hierarchy (see also the walk command, below).
Print a list of all recognized commands.
Query the remote server for its IP related variables and present them in a readable form.
Exit from running the snmp program. Returns to the calling program, usually the shell.
Query the remote server for its system and interface related variables and present them in a readable form.
Query the remote server for its TCP related variables and present them in a readable form.
Query the remote server for its UCP related variables and present them in a readable form.
walk variable [...]
Repeatedly issue getnext commands until all variables of the specified subtree have been returned.


% snmp status localhost
% snmp get localhost system.sysdescr.0
% snmp localhost
snmp> get system.sysdescr.0
snmp> getnext system.sysdescr.0
snmp> walk system
snmp> quit


snmpnetstat.1 snmpd.8 RFC1155, RFC1156, RFC1157, RFC1158.


The set command has not yet been implemented, so it is currently impossible to do any changes to the remote MIB.
The snmp client cannot distinguish between a network entity that has no agent running and one that does not allow access to it.

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Created by unroff & hp-tools. © somebody (See intro for details). All Rights Reserved. Last modified 11/5/97