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Example Dialogue


A short example dialogue for the construction of an XOR network might clarify the use of the editor. First the four units are created. In the info panel the target name ``input'' and the Target bias ``0'' is entered.

 Status Display 		  Command 		  Remark

> Mode Units switch on mode units

Units> set mouse to position (3,5)

Units> Insert Target insert unit 1 with the attributes

of the Target unit here.

repeat for position (5,5).

Units> name = ``hidden'', bias =

Units> Insert Target position (3,3); insert unit 3

Units> name = ``output'', bias =

Units> Insert Target position (3,1); insert unit 4

Units> Return return to normal mode

> Mode Links switch on mode links

Links> select both input units

and set mouse to third unit


Links> specify weight ``''

Links> Make to Target create links

Links> set mouse to unit 4 (``output'');

specify weight ``''

Links> Make to Target create links

Links> deselect all units and

select unit 3

Links> set mouse to unit 4 and

specify ``'' as weight.

Links> Make to Target create links

Now the topology is defined. The only actions remaining are to set the IO types and the four patterns. To set the IO types, one can either use the command Units Set Default io-type, which sets the types according to the topological position of the units, or repeatedly use the command Units Set io-Type. The second option can be aborted by pressing the Done button in the popup window before making a selection.

Niels Mache
Wed May 17 11:23:58 MET DST 1995