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Unit Definition Functions


int krui_createDefaultUnit()
creates a unit with the properties of the (definable) default values of the kernel. The default unit has the following properties:

standard activation and output function
standard activation and bias
standard position-, subnet-, and layer number
default IO type
no unit prototype
no sites
no inputs or outputs
no unit name

Returns the number of the new unit or a (negative) error code. See also include file kr_def.h.

int krui_createUnit( char *unit_name, char *out_func_name,
char *act_func_name, FlintTypeParam i_act,
FlintTypeParam bias)
creates a unit with selectable properties; otherwise like krui_createDefaultUnit(). There are the following defaults:

standard position-, subnet-, and layer number
default IO type
no unit prototype
no sites
no inputs or outputs

Returns the number of the new unit or a (negative) error code. See also include file kr_def.h. int krui_createFTypeUnit( char *FType_name)
creates a unit with the properties of the (previously defined) prototype. It has the following default properties:

standard position number, subnet number and layer number
no inputs or outputs

The function returns the number of the new unit or a (negative) error code. krui_err krui_setUnitFType( int UnitNo, char *FTypeName )
changes the structure of the unit to the intersection of the current type of the unit with the prototype; returns an error code if this operation has been failed. int krui_copyUnit( int UnitNo, int copy_mode)
copies a unit according to the copy mode. Four different copy modes are available:

copy unit with all input and output connections
copy only input connections
copy only output connections
copy only the unit, no connections

Returns the number of the new unit or a (negative) error code. See glob_typ.h for reference of the definition of constants for the copy modes. krui_err krui_deleteUnitList( int no_of_units, int unit_list[] )
deletes 'no_of_units' from the network. The numbers of the units that have to be deleted are listed up in an array of integers beginning with index 0. This array is passed to parameter 'unit_list'. Removes all links to and from these units.

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Niels Mache
Wed May 17 11:23:58 MET DST 1995