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Error messages

Here is the list of possible error messages and their brief description.

not enough memory:
a dynamic memory allocation failed.
can't load file:
SNNS network-file wasn't found.
can't open file:
same as can't load or disk full.
wrong parameters:
wrong kind or number of parameters.
net contains illegal cycles:
there are several possibilities: BPTT-networks have no restrictions concerning links.
can't find the function actfunc:
the activation function actfunc is not supported.
net is not a CounterPropagation network:
Counterpropagation-networks need a
special architecture: one input, one output and one hidden layer which are fully connected.
net is not a Time Delay Neural Network:
The SNNS TDNNs have a very special architecture. They should be generated by the BIGNET-tool. In other cases there is no guaranty for successful compilation.
not supported network type:
There are several network types which can't be compiled with the SNNS2C. The SNNS2C-tool will be maintained and so new network types will be implemented.
unspecified Error:
should not occur, it's only a feature for user defined updates.
unknown error code : number:
must not occur, please report to the SNNS-Team.

Niels Mache
Wed May 17 11:23:58 MET DST 1995