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Model Evaluation:

If $f=J(\pi_M(f))$, then f is called ``reconstructable'' from our model M. We can represent the data without information loss by using model M and the assumptions made about independencies seem to be correct. A distribution f is regarded as ``approximately reconstructable'' from a model M if the maximum entropy reconstruction $J(\pi_M(f)=: f^h$ is sufficiently `close' to f according to some distance-measure.

A well known class of distance-measures is the Minkowski-class of distances (parameterized by $p \in \{1,2,3,\ldots\})$, also known as L-norms:


which contain the Hamming-distance (L1), the Euclidean-distance (L2), and the Max-distance ($L_\infty$).

For measuring the accuracy of the model we are more interested in the information loss of the maximum entropy reconstruction compared to the original distribution. The following two non-symmetric measures are derived from information-theory: Shannon's cross-entropy, also known as directed divergence [28, pg. 279], [38, pg. 12]:

\begin{displaymath}H(f,f^h) = \sum_{s \in dom(V)} f(s) \cdot \log_2\left(\frac{f(s)}{f^h(s)}\right)
\end{displaymath} (21)

and the relative information loss by normalizing Shannon's cross-entropy over the possible information content (Hartley information) [14, pg. 169],[26, pp. 228-229]:

\begin{displaymath}D(f,f^h) = \frac{H(f,f^h)}{\log_2(\vert dom(V)\vert)}
\end{displaymath} (22)

$0 \le D(f,f^h) \le 1$ characterizes the percentage of information lost for fh representing distribution f.

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Thomas Prang