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【时    间】: 2005年11月12日 - 12月4日 ,每周六、日9:00am-12: 00am 

【上课地点】: 北京大学

【主办单位】: 北京大学光华管理学院和北京燕园睿鹰教科中心联合主办

【授课费用】: 1200元/人 

【报名咨询】: 010-58874132/5

【传       真】: 010-58874133

【培训对象】: 企业中、高层管理者,技术人员,市场营销人员,私营公司老板,大学教师,事业单位办公人员,及其其他社会人士  


外籍专家Richard Carswell,双硕士(多伦多大学英语和心理学硕士),2000年在TEFL国际美国深造,曾先后在加利福尼亚、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国等国从事企业培训。2004年8月来华,任教于上海的Web国际英语和LEC英语中心。2005年6月来京,并先后在中国电信、富士康科技集团和北京人民警察学院做专业的英语培训。








A、$ecrets of the “Millionaire Mind” 

l         The Incredible Truth about you! How to think like a Genius!

l         The Great Law of Imaging: How external & internal images produce ideas!

l         emotions & attitudes that effect your life!

l         The Law of Belief & The Law of Attraction!

l         15 wealth principles all enduring millionaires adhere to!

l         The most effective ways to alter or radically change your money-blueprint!

l         How most poor & middle-class people think, act & feel differently than the rich!

l         12 Action Steps to immediately utilize in the real world to dramatically increase your income & accumulate long-term Wealth!

l         The Dramatic Impact a Dynamic Master-Mind Alliance can make in your life!

l         Your Unique set of Values & how to use them to set your Super-Goals!

l         Set clear specific value-congruent goals backed by a Dynamic Action Plan! 

B、Energize  Your  Employee’s  for $uccess & Increase Productivity! 

l         The Awesome Power of Belief

l         You are 100% Responsible

l         14 Essentials to Uncover the Goldmine in Your Goals

l         How to make Million US $ in 30 months

l         You are a Human Magnet  

C、The Ultimate Selling Skill $eminar! How to Sell Different People Differently! 

l         Why this training is so essential to your Ultimate $uccess!

l         Why everyone is in sales!

l         The only 2 reasons to get into Selling!

l         Why you must have a USP. Unique Selling Proposition!

l         The 4 stages of selling from the Buyer’s Perspective!

l         Why price isn’t the most important factor!

l         Why having Value-Congruent goals is critical to your $uccess!

l         Why customers post-pone a Buying Decision!

l         Why your Self-Image is critical to your $uccess!  (12 ways to boost your Self-Image.)

l         Why The Future belongs to The Competent!

l         The 12 Commandments of The Ultimate Sales Training!

l         How to create Powerful $ales $cripts & why they are Essential!

l         How to Guarantee Your $uccess!

l         The principles in this One Day “Ultimate Selling Skill Seminar” are timeless & have helped millions of people around the world to take control of their lives.  If you want to achieve Wealth, Happiness, & Financial $uccess attend this seminar!




╛╛╛╛╛╛╛╛╛ 培 训 回 执 表 (复 制 有 效)╛╛╛╛╛╛╛╛ 





我单位共_    _ 人报名参加       年__  __月__  __日由北京燕园睿鹰教科中心举办的《挖掘人生金矿,创造无穷价值》 

  单位名称:___________________________________________      ______



  参加人数:___________人 费用总计:___________元


  付款方式:(请选择打钩 )  □1、现金









  传      真:010-58874133
